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Exkurze do Velké Británie

Publikováno: 19. 9. 2018

Každoročně komise anglického jazyka pořádá školní zájezd do Velké Británie. Program se rok od roku mírně liší, tak aby se žáci mohli opakovaně do této země vracet a vždy objevili něco nového.

Letos se zúčastnilo této akce v termínu od 8. do 14. září 47 žáků z 9 tříd.

Rády bychom Vám zprostředkovaly postřehy a zážitky žáků z jejich 7denní expedice po anglické půdě.

Day 1&2, Calais, Dover, Stonehenge, Ondřej Herink/Ondřej Štorek:

´After the first night in the hotel F1 in Calais we headed for the port where we boarded a ferry to Great Britain. We felt like being in the shopping centre thanks to big restaurants and fancy shops with foreign and unknown goods. Our first destination, the White Cliffs of Dover, could be seen all the time during the voyage. The atmosphere was amazing. Then we travelled to Stonehenge. The visit of this national heritage was not only about the mystical monument , but about learning new information in a new-built museum. We finished this busy day in a small town called Ivybridge where our host families waited for us. Later we had a great dinner and then practised our English skills during the conversation about many interesting things. We fell asleep with a fabulous feeling from ou first day.´

Day 3, Eden Project, Mount Edgcumbe, Plymouth, Lada Marková/ Anna Stieberová:

´We arranged to meet at 8 a.m. at a parking in Ivybridge and drove to Eden Project. We had an opportunity to walk around and see exotic plants from tropical rain forests and typical Mediterranean flowers and trees. We also had a chance to taste baobab smoothie and buy food grown in the greenhouses. After that we visited Mount Edgcumbe where we walked around the castle famous from Rosamunde Pilcher´s filming locations. A tour guide showed us the interior of the building. If we wanted, we could try out costumes from the 18th century. Our day ended with a walk along the coast of Plymouth.´

Day 2&3, host family in Ivybridge, Eden Project, Michal Kropáček/Tomáš Pavelka:

´We were staying with Jones family. They live in a big family house with a garden not very far from the centre of the town. I and my friends met our host mother Helen and host father Nick. They also have got two sons, Oliver 11 years old and Austin 8 years old. We enjoyed our time which we spent together. The first evening we had pizza, cup cakes and pea soup with cheese and it was tasty. We also had a chat with the family . We were talking about hobbies and their jobs. The next day after a long journey from Eden Project we had a family dinner. I have never had better tortillas and then we thought that it couldn´t be any better, Helen brought us chocolate cake. We celebrated Oliver´s birthday and we sang a song in Czech for him. I think that the both sides enjoyed the exchange. If we could, we would visit Helen´s family again.´

Day 4, Oxford, Markéta Michalová/Kateřina Fialová:

´We travelled 330 kilometres from Plymouth to Oxford. We have visited the University of Oxford. We saw the Great Hall and Hall Staircase that were shown in Harry Potter film. It has a lot of portraits of famous people and a beautiful ceiling. The Christ Church looks like a castle. When we were outside, two ladies probably from India asked us to take a photo with them. We felt like movie stars. Then we went to see the Carfax Tower and we took a photo with the typical red telephone booth. After that we went shopping. Many of us went to Primark and we met two girls from the Czech Republic there. There were surprised. We really enjoyed our time in Oxford. It is a beautiful city and we hope we will visit it again.´

Day 4, London family, Markéta Svobodová/Kateřina Téglová:

´On Tuesday evening our host dad came to pick us up and took us to our temporary home. On the way home he was trying to get to know us and introduce himself and his family. We found out that he has four kids and three cats. When we came home we met our host mom and two kids, little Aya who was making our time there much more fun and Keyaan who was a little bit shy. They were both adorable and amazing. I felt very comfortable there. After dinner we met two cats, Chunley and Sara. Because I am a car lover I was walking on air. The next day when we came home we ate pizza and chips. Then we had a shower and because we were tired we went to bed. On Thursday morning we ate breakfast and cleaned our room. Before leaving we too a photo with our dad, because we kinda fell in love with him. When we came to the meeting point we said goodbye and thanked for everything. I am sure I´m gonna miss my London family.´

Day 4, London family, Antonín Kvaček/Adam Kindl/Kryštof Kalvach:

´The first evening with our London family was very special. We came to London at eight o´clock and our family picked us up. We took our luggage and went to the car. At twenty past eight we arrived at our new home. T Khan family is from Indonesia but they live in London. Mr and Mrs T Khan are about sixty years old. They have got two sons. When we came to our new home, we found out that my luggage had been exchanged. I and Mr T Khan went back to the parking to get my luggage back. Their house was a bit messy. We had dinner at quarter past nine. We ate pizza and drank water and we introduced ourselves to our Indonesian family. It was 22 o´clock when we had a videochat with our friend from another family. Suddenly, we could smell some smoke. We looked out of the window and we saw fire in the garden. Mr T Khan´ sons set fire using some wooden chairs and a table. Then they entered the house and the fire seemed to be out of control. Three metres high flames were very dangerous because in the garden there was a lot of wood and straw. Luckily, fire fighters came to our house. We thought that neighbours had called them because the fire was huge. Fire fighters extinguished the fire and went away. Our family lit up the fire again but tried to keep an eye on it. As we said previously, it was a very special experience.´

Day 5, Warwick Castle, Stratford-upon-Avon, Eva Procházková/ Zuzana Zajíčková:

´On Wednesday 12th September, after the first night in our new families in London, we travelled north to visit Warwick castle and Stratford-upon-Avon. In Warwick castle we went to horrifying catacombs and we saw a lot of methods of torture and capital punishments in the Middle Ages. To calm down we overhauled glorious chambers of the castle which were decorated with wax figurines. After a quick ride by bus, we arrived to the town where W. Shakespeare was born. The first stop in this town was Shakespeare´s birthplace. Following the path, we visited Holy Trinity Church where he was christened.´

Day 6. London,  Nikola Křičenská/Matyáš Balla/Kryštof Kalvach:

´ Last day in London we saw and visited Westminster Abbey, St James Park, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Greenwich. Our favourite attraction was the London Eye because we saw the whole city. We also had some time to go shopping. We have visited the city centre and took a boat ride on the river Thames. We headed for Greenwich where we saw the Prime Meridian and we took pictures of it. At the end of the day we got on the bus. We enjoyed London and it was beautiful.

Mgr. Jana Bílková, Mgr. Michaela Ragoubi



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    • 530 03 Pardubice, Česká republika.
    • telefon: 466 650 715
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