V pátek 5. 10. 2018 proběhl na naší škole EYP day, který ve zkrácené podobě simuloval jednání a zasedání Evropského parlamentu. 32 žáků (1. a 2. ročníky / kvinty a sexty) se ve 3 komisích se nejprve lépe poznalo při teambuildingových aktivitách, poté v týmech tvořili rezoluce, které nakonec během společného zasedání (General Assembly) obhajovali.
foto Tereza Kučerová
Tím, že celý den proběhl v anglickém jazyce si žáci ověřili svou schopnost diskutovat o obecných problémech a navrhovat konkrétní řešení v tomto cizím jazyce.
Jana Bílková
Názory některých účastníků EYP Day:
Well, I have to say that this was awesome experience and I have to say that I enjoyed everything from ice-breakers to the debate.I had a little problem understanding what was I supposed to do but I still had a great time.
Jan Tichý, 5.A
I really enjoyed the experience, because it was something completely different to what we usually do at school. It was nice to test my english, communication, problem solving and public speaking skills.
Anna Stieberová, 6.A
I really liked EYP day. I think it was beneficial in many ways for all of us. In my opinion it is perfect way to enrich our knowledge about EU issues, but mostly it’s a way how to eliminate our fear of speaking in English, especially in the case of abstract and political topics.
Jan Španiel, 1.H
I enjoyed the day so much, it was something new for me and something that I would like to do more of and to continue with. The best thing about it was the team work and even though it was just a school EYP day, I met some new people. Finding resolutions for those problems was real fun. We saw how does it work in EYP and that every idea matters.
Kristýna Kvapilová, 2.H