Každoročně komise anglického jazyka pořádá školní zájezd do Velké Británie pro žáky kvart. Letos se v termínu 2. – 8. 3. 2025 ze tříd 4. A a 4. B vydalo 47 žáků objevovat krásy jižní Anglie. Navštívili jsme Oxford, Seven Sisters, Brighton, Avebury, Stonehenge, Salisbury, Stratford, Warwick a Londýn.
Přikládáme postřehy našich cestovatelů.
´At first, we looked around the city and the University of Oxford. We could see almost the whole campus. There were so many sports people, they ran or rode a bike everywhere. We saw a beautiful church and school canteen where professors and students can eat. After that we had lunch break and everyone went to McDonald´s. Then we visited Natural History Museum which was great. And later we took our coach to go to London so that we could meet our host families.´
Adéla Šafaříková, Jana Kučerová
DAY 2: Seven sisters, Brighton
´On the second day we went for a walk on the white cliffs. It was treeless there. When we got to the beach, we started collecting seashells. Then we left for Brighton. We went to the amusement arcade and the beach. After that we visited the Sea Life – the oldest aquarium in the world. Later we saw the Royal Pavilion and its gardens. We got two hours of free time and finally we went back to our host families by bus.´
Veronika Šulcová, Karolína Špinerová
DAY 3: Avebury, Stonehenge, Salisbury
´In the morning we visited a place where we found giant stones. We could even touch them. People said that it is a spiritual place. But for us it wasn´t that interesting. Then we changed our location and headed to Stonehenge. This time we were quite far from the stones and couldn´t touch them or anything else. The day turned out to be sunny and the sheep were everywhere. It was actually better than we had thought. Finally, we were happy with the experience and that we had been able to touch the previous stones.
Alžběta Zvárová, Kateřina Popelková, Petr Obršál
DAY 4: Stratford upon Avon, Warwick
´At first, we visited Stratford upon Avon. There we visited the cemetery where Shakespeare is buried but we couldn´t find his grave because it was closed. Then we saw Shakespeare´s school and visited the house where he was born, which is connected with a museum. In this museum we could follow a group of English primary school pupils who presented facts from Shakespeare´s life. The last thing we saw in Stratford was the butterfly farm.
After Stratford we visited Warwick. We had great views of the town from the castle. In the castle we also visited the Time tower in which the previous owners told us about its history. Inside the castle there were wax figures of historical people.´
Šebastián Vlasák, Šimon Törvenyi, Tomáš Suchánek
DAY 5: London
´First, we went to Greenwich Park. After that we went to our last stop. We saw a lot of beautiful high buildings. We took a boat to get into the city centre. We got off at Westminster. There we saw the legendary Elizabeth Tower. After that we went to Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. After some free time at Leicester Square we took a ride on the London Eye. Then we got back to the O2 Arena in Greenwich by tube. It has been an amazing experience.´
Šimon Pechman, David Mrklovský, Tomáš Pelikán, Lukáš Repiský
Kevin Boughen, Michaela Ragoubi